2160 8Th St Ste B Mandeville La 70471
Phone: 985-231-0808 Fax: 985-520-0313

OASIS – Ongoing Active Strategic Investing System

This portfolio uses ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) and a sector rotation strategy to give clients the portfolio management they want to achieve the results they need. 

Why Exchange Traded Funds

We use exchange traded funds in this portfolio for a variety of reasons.  They offer tax effiencies that open ended funds and stocks can’t offer.  They are very inexpensive, and in some cases free, to trade.  They allow us to be dynamic in how we balance client accounts. 

Sector Rotation

We use technical analysis and economic data to determine the sector weighting of portfolios in addition to broad based asset classes.  The borad asset class weighting will also fluctuate based on technical analysis and economuc data.    

Risk Managemnt

We use a combination of asset allocation and exposure management in an effort to reduce risk for clients.  This portfolio can and will reduce and/or remove asset classes and sectors based on our analysis.  This portfolio may go to cash in some instances based on economic conditions.

Trading targets

We target a trading rebalance once every 6 weeks.  We may trade more or less often based on the data we analyze.  Trading costs are minimal due to the use of ETFs.